Don't hesitate, contact me for any information


Open Monday-Saturday: 9am-5pm



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How many pictures will we receive?

I don't limit myself when it comes to a "number of pictures". I promise you will be given every good photograph I take!

What’s the best time to have a session with a newborn?

That is dependant on you baby! I find just after nap time is the best time to come, unless you are looking for some sleeping pictures than during nap time is even better!

How should we dress for our family session?

Solids! As a photographer I find that solids look best on everyone. Colour coordination is even better if you are able to... but if not, don't worry! I will do my best to make you look fabulous. Also don't be afraid to bring a change of clothes, you don't have to have all your pictures taken in one outfit, let's switch it up!

We don’t feel very confident in front of the camera, is that ok?

Absolutely! I have many tricks up my sleeve to help you feel good in front of my camera and get real genuine emotions from everyone, even your pets (don't mind my silly noises and barking). Even if it takes throwing my shoes in the air I'll get you to smile genuinely!